Edmond Rostand was a French poet and dramatist. He is associated with neo-romanticism, and is known best for his play, Cyrano de Bergerac, which has been revived over fifteen times on Broadway (Garden Theatre). Rostand's romantic plays contrasted with the naturalistic theater popular during the late nineteenth century. Another of Rostand's works, Les Romanesques, was adapted to the musical comedy, The Fantasticks (Sullivan Street Playhouse/Snapple Theater).
Broadway plays include The Last Night of Don Juan/The Pilgrimage (Greenwich Village Theatre); The Lady of Dreams (Hudson Theatre); L'Aiglon and Chantecler (Knickerbocker Theatre); Sweet and Twenty/The Romanesques (Hoyt's Theatre); and La Samaritaine (The Woman of Samaria) (Globe Theatre).
Other works include Le Vol de la Marseillaise, Le Cantique de L'Aile, La Princesse lointaine (The Princess Far-Away), Les Deux Pierrots, ou Le Souper blanc (The Two Pierrots, or The White Supper), Les Musardises, and Le Gant rouge (The Red Glove).